About Bilsing Automation
Who would have thought that simulation software would change Bilsing’s core business?
And yet, since the company invested in the simulation of the production process, it achieves 60% of its turnover on this activity. Bilsing Automation France continues to manufacture and sell grippers, but also offers a service to its customers in the automotive sector. A service that is worth its weight in gold: reduce machine set-up time and optimize production rates thanks to upstream simulations. That’s what Romain Bournet, Manager of Bilsing Automation tells us.
Industrial challenge: how to reduce machine set-up times?
“We used to assemble the grippers at the customer’s premises and solve problems on site, in real time. We wasted a lot of time on the machines, to adjust the hand, the trajectory of the robot, it cost money. On average, to put a production line into service, it took about 30 to 40 hours.” Romain Bourget, Manager of Bilsing Automation
The DELMIA solution made it possible to digitize the entire 3D stamping line, both the robot’s trajectory to avoid collision and the machine’s cycle time to optimize its performance. From now on, the technical teams only have to download the installation program. Today the commissioning time is only 4 hours on average. With a record at 2.5 hours.
“We compete on the product part, but not on the service part, because we bring added value with the production simulation we accompany the customer differently. Romain Bourget, Manager of Bilsing Automation
The commissioning time of the production line has been divided by 10, which allows to dedicate more time to production as well as to divide the capital cost by 10. DELMIA allows to optimize the production rate of a machine allowing to produce more parts per minute. No need to invest in new machines to meet deadlines.