KEONYS and CENIT, Dassault Systèmes Platinum Partners.
2017 was the year of the merger between KEONYS and CENIT, 2018 will be the beginning of a winning and recognized collaboration in the digital transformation field.
Indeed, as for the 2017 results and the group’s impact on the digital transformation of its customers, KEONYS and CENIT both respectively received Dassault Systèmes “Platinum Partner” certification.
A prize which shows that the group strength resides as much in its expertise and consulting as in its effectiveness in its clients deployments.
KEONYS and CENIT are proud of this recognition, valid for all its branches in Europe : more than 350 experts in Product Lifecycle Management, in more than 8 countries.
Your industriel projects will find their expert.
This success is also thanks to you, our customers partners who have trusted us for more than 25 years to help you daily. Thank you a lot !
KEONYS was rewarded on the EUROWEST region for its ability to deploy new technologies such as Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE® Platform on the Cloud, but also promote digital transformation in new industries.