With more and more organizations using cloud-based applications, cloud services are expected to grow even more popular in the future. Technology developped by Amazon, Google or IBM were created for hosting servers, facilitating collaboration and much more.
Here are different reasons why you should use the cloud for your company :
Agnostic : Cloud applications are compatible with most standard operating systems such as Android, Apple iOs, Microsoft Windows, etc.
Applications and updates : Organizations don’t have the responsability anymore to updates softwares and hardwares, and also have access to the latest functionnalities. Providers ensure that data are secured with the most advanced security system.
Collaboration : Thanks to secured tool such as instant messaging or video and voice conferencing for instance, the cloud is allowing collaborators, partners and customers to communicate easily.
Cost Management : At first maintaining servers and data seems like a lot to invest. Thanks to cloud computing, you are able through cost managing to be billed for specific lines of business.
Mobility : Cloud applications are made to be used no matter the device or the operating system so the user can have access to global marketplace, secure storage, etc.
Scalability : Cloud services are rentable according your actual demand, need and capacity. Allowing a quick configuring to new needs via the cloud platform.
Security : Although it allows users to connect from any device or operating system, it protects intellectual properties by suppressing the need to create copies of data for business partners or suppliers.
Simplicity : Cloud services are user-friendly and service-oriented with reussable processes across different applications.
To know more you can read the article on Dassault Systèmes Blog.
You want to contact a cloud expert ?
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