Innovation is the foundation of industrial development strategies.
It is indisputably based on the expertise of project teams, whatever the size of the company and its area of activity. Whether for major contractors, leading equipment manufacturers, SMEs in the subcontracting chain or startups, targeted training of employees is strategic for companies in a constantly evolving globalized market. KEONYS has created a new range of customized training specifically for designers.
KEO ASSESS – custom-designed training
KEO ASSESS is a dedicated training tool that assesses the professional and industry expertise of CATIA users. The resulting diagnostic maps out employees’ skills and highlights their strengths and weaknesses. An initial analysis is performed at KEONYS to determine group levels. This analysis is then studied by a trainer who submits a customized training plan to the client.
This tool meets a real need expressed by many clients: how to gain a global view of the skills levels in a design team? Leading equipment manufacturers in the aeronautics and automotive sectors rely on constant improvement of their technical expertise. Lead times for development and delivery of projects to major contractors are becoming ever shorter, with no compromise on
This tool meets a real need expressed by many clients: how to gain a global view of the skills levels in a design team? Leading equipment manufacturers in the aeronautics and automotive sectors rely on constant improvement of their technical expertise. Lead times for development and delivery of projects to major contractors are becoming ever shorter, with no compromise on product quality. KEO ASSESS rapidly detects users’ areas for improvement in order to better customize training provided.
Effective test analysis
Tests are fast, relevant and cover all the basics of CATIA. Various workshops are offered, including draft design, solids, linking parts, wire-frame, surface geometry, and more. Each user can access tests and gaining access can be part of the company’s training plan.