Have you passed the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test of an electric motor with the international standard requirements?
If you have difficulty in setting up a complete equivalent system of an electric motor from start to finish with the line impedance stabilization network to carry out the tests, we urge you to discover the studies that we have carried out step by step to enlighten you in this process
Switching semiconductors in power electronics cause noise that can propagate through the entire electrical system. The trend towards faster switching semiconductors leads to high-frequency noise, which must be reduced by suitable filter measures. For example, in order to obtain approval for the drive system of an electric vehicle, appropriate EMC tests (e.g. according to CISPR 25) must be passed. One of the criteria is the radio noise voltage, which is measured on a line impedance stabilization network (LISN). If the radio noise voltage emitted by the inverter exceeds the permissible limits, suitable noise suppression measures must be initiated, such as filters.
EMC tests are expensive and EMC laboratories are sometimes booked up for weeks. The goal must therefore be to pass the release-relevant EMC test on the first try if possible. In order to be successful here, EMC conformity must be a driving criterion in the development of new systems right from the start. CST Studio Suite offers all the necessary tools to accompany the complete development process.
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