Gender equality at KEONYS

KEONYS is the leading partner for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM*). At the heart of the digital company, KEONYS enables organizations of all sizes and in all sectors to create and bring to market better products and innovative services faster.
Equality between women and men, an index and a fundamental value at KEONYS
Since 2019 all companies with more than 250 employees, and since 2020 all those with more than 50 employees, have been required to calculate and publish their gender professional equality index each year. This initiative by the French Ministry of Labor, Employment and Integration measures the gaps in salary, raises and promotion within the company between women and men.
Our equity policy has been successful, as we have just achieved a score of 92 points out of 100 for the year 2025 in the Gender Equality Index based on the following criteria:
Indicator n°1 ” Salary gap in % ” : 37/40
Indicator n°2 « Individual raises gap » : 35/35
Indicator n°3 « Percentage of employees receiving a raise on return from maternity leave » : 15/15
Indicator n°4 « Number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest salaries » : 5/10
Before the pandemic, our score was 84 points out of 100. The implementation of professional equality between men and women within our company is an important strategic challenge if we are to work together to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s new technologies and industry.